I live, and breathe and move in a city of 1.33 million people - not too much compared to other cities of more than 5 million people. Yet I do feel the increasing traffic, the pollution (air, noise, etc). I'm sure most of you reading this blog face the same situation.
But I want to blog about "signposts". We see them everyday, everywhere. They have become part of our mental make up like the motorway. We know when and where the road has a nasty bump due to some faulty road construction, or a nasty pothole that can ruin the tires. Sign posts, they have become so much a part of me, that if I don't see them, it's become easy to grumble and grouch about the authorities in charge of putting up sign posts for my convenience of driving and knowing if I'm going in the right direction of my destination. The certainty that the the road the sign posts points out to will really make the way to my desired destination. I guess this is a common feeling for most motorists and even those who enjoy going on a long distance walking.
Does the words "sign posts", "destination", "road to" ring a bell somewhere deep down in your soul? I guess it does in my soul, or psyche, even if I want to push it away and concentrate on other "more" important matters, it tends to return to haunt me every time the news reaches me by way of the car radio, or the TV or the newspaper - "We have just received news in this news office that a major earthquake has struck so and so place. Authorities have put the magnitude of the earthquake at 7.0 on the Richter scale. Loss of lives and damage reports are pouring in. A Tsunami warning has gone out. Our local government authorities have asked that people vacate the beach in such and such areas, till the all clear is given by the met services. We will continue to make periodic reports, so please stay tuned to our radio station..."
This is kind of news that gets the inside of me ticking - no warnings to an earthquake. Even if there were one, would it help survival? The whole episode of the current economic crash that has cost me my job and several millions around the globe - were we warned? Was the common man on the street warned? Were there signposts on the way to tell us, get ready its coming.
This blog wants to explore the possibility of "signposts" and their meaning (if any). Will these sign posts take us to our final destination in life or are they impediments to that final destination we have so carefully planned for ourselves to reach.
Stay tuned for more on SIGN POSTS on the way to our final destination as members of planet earth.
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